Ahnenforschung in Preussen & Lippe



August Sergel from Lewe

I. SERGEL, August (b 1814) 44 & Marie (b 1821) 37, from Lewe, Hanover, 7 children emigrated to South Africa aboard \"La Rochelle\'. Departed 31/05/1858 arrived 28-08-1858. Have the passenger List.

Children from August Sergel:
II.1 . Wilhelimine Ernistine Christine - married Theodore Rusteberg (was 17 on arrival)
II.2. Louisa - married Reckling (16 on arrrival)
II.3. Christian Ludwig Heindrich (14 on arrival) - married Hester Elizabeth Slater; they had 11 children, 2 sons and 9 daughters.
II.4. Andreas Wilhelm Christian (11 on arrival) - married Johanna Neumann
II.5. Wilhelm (9 on arrival)
II.6. Marie (6 on arrival)
II.7. Augusta Dorothea (4 on arrival) - married George Duncan

Child from II.3:
III. Heinrich Wilhelm Andreas Sergel - married Amy Amelia Nosworthy

Children from III:
IV.1. Cyril Raymond b 1918 (died as child)
IV.2. Neville Edwin b 1920 (died 68)
IV.3. Denis Melville b 1923 - married Elizabeth Cathrina Swart (died 39)
IV.4. Dalphia Amy Rosa b 1926 (still living will be 80 next year)

Children IV.3:
V.1. Priscilla Cynthia Taylor Sergel b 1946 - married Tayler (3 sons)
V.2. Twins - died at birth
V.3. Heindrich Wilhelm Andreas Sergel b 1949 died 42 (4 sons and 2 daughters)
V.4. Charlotte Amelia Jackson Sergel b 1956 (1 son)

Name: Priscilla Taylor
Datum: 4.08.2005


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Also hat Gott die Welt geliebt,
dass er seinen
eingeborenen Sohn gab,
auf dass alle,
die an ihn glauben,
nicht verloren werden,
sondern das ewige Leben haben.
Joh. 3,16

Wer mich bekennt
vor den Menschen,
den will ich bekennen
vor meinem himmlichen Vater.
Matth. 10,32

Von guten Mächten
wunderbar geborgen
erwarten wir getrost,
was kommen mag.
Gott ist mit uns am
Abend und am Morgen
und ganz gewiss
an jedem neuen Tag.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer

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